Zerobulk® Holster FAQ(Page)
Source Credit to guns.com | by GDC StaffClick here to view the original article. Zeroing a rifle is best accomplished with a rest. (Photo: Kristin Alberts/Guns.com)You’ve chosen your riflescope, ...
Meet Streamlight’s new TLR-7 and TLR-8(Post)Credit Guns and Ammo, by Chris MudgettWith the introduction of the TLR-7 and -8, Streamlight has made it easier to carry concealed, especially when carrying inside the waistband.Consumers have been a ...
Another tourist busted for bringing gun to 9/11 memorial(Post)Another tourist has been busted for bringing a gun to a Big Apple landmark, this time a Texas woman treating the 9/11 memorial like an Old West saloon.Elizabeth Anne Enderli, 31, had no idea her Texa ...
Police: 11-Year-Old Brings Gun, Threatens Student at Nashville Charter School(Post)NASHVILLE, Tenn. (WKRN) – An 11-year-old faces charges after allegedly bringing a gun onto campus and threatening a fellow student.Administrators at LEAD Prep Southeast School, located on Metrop ...
Off-Season Rifle Drills: Keep Your Skills Sharp(Post)Source Credit to ShootingIllustrated.com by Steve Adelmann - Sunday, January 5, 2020 An unknown-distance shot is just one of the many drills that can be done during the off-season to keep your ...
Shooting High? Here's How to Get On Target.(Post)Source Credit to ShootingIllustrated.com by George Harris - Wednesday, December 18, 2019 The Problem:Your pistol is zeroed and your ammunition is spot-on. You are ready for the plate match at ...
SC GOVERNOR SIGNS PRO-2A CARRY LAW EXPANSION(Post)Source Credit to guns.com | CHRIS EGERRepublican South Carolina Gov. Henry McMaster on Monday signed a popular bill that makes several pro-gun changes to the Palmetto State's carry laws.McMaster this ...
NEW OPTICS-READY FN 509 MIDSIZE MRD(Post)Credit Source: Guns.com, by Jacki BillingsClick Here to read the original article. FN America upgraded the 509 design, taking it to optical heights with the addition of a new optics ready m ...
THE ECONOMIST: THE RELENTLESS FOCUS ON GUN CRIME FEEDS SURGING GUN SALES(Post)In an August 10 column, which was equal portions cathartic and panic stricken, The Economist basically admitted that the media’s relentless focus on gun crime results in more gun sales in Amer ...
HOW TO CO-WITNESS YOUR SIGHTS(Post)Source Credit to guns.com | by Frank MelloniClick here to view the original article. The absolute co-witness allows for iron sight backup in the event of electronic failure and is easy to ...
Hillary & Gun Buybacks(Post)Barack Obama promised he wouldn’t take away anyone’s guns. From his experience, Hillary Clinton seems to have decided to skip the part of the campaign that involves placating the National Rifle Assoc ...
In Dallas it’s Illegal to Carry a Fake Gun, but the 8-year-old Law is Rarely Enforced(Post)Just two guys with toy rifles walking along the Katy Trail Tuesday eveningIn Dallas, where people are free to walk into fast-food restaurants and down neighborhood streets toting rifles, it’s against ...
THREE SUPER COMPACT CONCEALED CARRY OPTIONS(Post)Source Credit to guns.com | by Ben PhilippiClick here to view the original article. At five-foot and 100-pounds, Taylor Thorne often finds it difficult to concealed carry due to her petite build ...
BELL COUNTY WOMEN FIND FRIENDSHIP, SAFETY IN NEW SHOOTING LEAGUE(Post)Officer Tammy Jo McCleney joined the Belton Police Department nearly a year and a half ago, and she quickly took up the community spirit and involvement displayed by her fellow Belton officers.“I fou ...
FOUR DO’S AND DON’TS FOR SUCCESS ON YOUR NEXT DEER HUNT(Post)Source Credit to guns.com | by Jeff Wood Click here for the original article. Being prepared will ensure a more comfortable hunt. (Photo: Jeff Wood/Guns.com)Preparation is key to a succes ...
Guns Help Control Crime(Post)My town, New York City, enforces rigid gun laws. Police refused to assign me a gun permit. The law doesn’t even let me hold a fake gun on TV to demonstrate something.But New York politicians are so ...
Kids S.A.F.E. Foundation saves lives through education, opportunities(Post)Credit Source: Guns.com, by Jacki BillingsA member of the Kids S.A.F.E. program takes aim at targets downrange. (Photo: Derek LeBlanc)Derek LeBlanc stood behind the podium at the recent Gun Righ ...
The South Carolina Tragedy, Common Ground, the Entrenched Mind of the Gun Debater and the Path Forward(Post)The profane and painful events that occurred in Charleston recently once again bring the issues of firearms rights and appropriate public policy into the forum of public debate, and not without good ...
GUN SHOPS FIGHT BACK AGAINST GOVERNMENT EFFORTS TO CLOSE THEM(Post)Source Credit to guns.com | by Chris Eger While many states and cities recognize gun stores as an essential part of the right to keep and bear arms, others are ordering them closed. (Photo: Chri ...